Safe is smart


Waheed Jeelani

IN a significant move aimed at prioritizing the safety and well-being of the youth in Kashmir, the Government of India, under the visionary leadership of Joint Director for the School Education Department in Central and North Kashmir, has implemented a new law prohibiting students below the age of 18 from riding motorbikes during school hours. This proactive measure aims to create a safer environment for young students, fostering their overall security and promoting responsible behaviour.

We explore the positive impact of this law on the youth of Kashmir, understanding and acknowledging its benefits and applauding the government’s commitment towards nurturing a secure and a conducive learning environment.

The implementation of the law prohibiting students below the age of 18 from riding motorbikes during school hours comes as a poignant response to the rising number of road accidents involving minors in Kashmir. The region has witnessed several heart-wrenching

incidents where young students have lost their lives or suffered severe injuries due to reckless riding or inadequate road safety measures. These incidents have left a profound impact on the community, highlighting the urgent need for action to ensure the safety and well-being of the youth. The government’s firm resolve in addressing this issue demonstrates its commitment to preventing further tragedies, sparing families the devastating pain of losing their loved ones prematurely. By taking decisive measures, the government sends a powerful message that the safety of the youth is a top priority, and every effort will be made to safeguard their lives on the roads of Kashmir.

The motorbike ban carries with it several positive impacts, the foremost among which are:

  • A promise of safety: The new law reflects a deep concern for the safety of Kashmir’s Motorbike accidents involving young students have been a growing

concern, necessitating swift action to address this issue. By implementing this law, the government aims to reduce the risk of accidents, injuries, and even fatalities, ensuring that students are not exposed to the potential dangers associated with riding motorbikes during school hours.

  • Promoting responsible behaviour:

Besides enhancing safety, this law seeks to instill a sense of responsibility and discipline among the youth of Kashmir. By discouraging under-aged students from riding motorbikes during school hours, the government emphasize the importance of prioritizing education and respecting the learning environment. This measure encourages students to adopt responsible behaviour, such as adhering to school rules, focusing on their studies, and developing a sense of accountability towards their own well-being and that of their peers.

  • Ensuring focus on academics: Riding motorbikes, racing them and being constantly in a charged environment of speed-challenges can lead to distractions, tardiness, and a decline in concentration levels among By restricting motorbike usage during school hours, students are provided with an opportunity to fully focus on their studies, engage actively in classroom activities, and make the most of their educational journey. This measure creates an environment conducive to learning and academic excellence, setting the stage for a brighter future for the youth of Kashmir.
  • Reducing traffic congestion: The law also addresses the issue of traffic congestion around school areas. With the rising number of motorbikes being ridden by young students, traffic congestion during peak school hours has become a challenge, affecting not only the safety of the students but also causing inconvenience to the general public. By limiting motorbike usage during school hours, the government hopes to alleviate traffic congestion, ensuring smoother traffic flow and reducing the risks associated with overcrowded roads near educational
  • Implementation strategies and surprise inspections

The Joint Director for the School Education Department in Central and North Kashmir, in coordination with local education authorities, has developed a comprehensive

implementation plan for enforcing the new law. Surprise inspections are a key component of this strategy. These inspections aim to ensure compliance with the law and identifying any potential violations. By conducting unannounced visits to schools, officials can actively monitor the implementation of the law and take necessary actions to address any non- compliance. This proactive approach serves as a deterrent and reinforces the importance of adhering to the regulations, ultimately safeguarding the safety and well-being of the students.

  • Other government initiatives

The implementation of this law is just one example of the government’s commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of the youth in Kashmir. Several other initiatives have been undertaken to create a secure and nurturing environment for the younger generation:

  • Road Safety Awareness campaigns: The government, in collaboration with educational institutions, has launched comprehensive road safety awareness campaigns. These campaigns educate students about traffic rules, responsible driving, and the importance of prioritizing safety while commuting to and from school.
  • Enhanced safety measures: The government has implemented additional safety measures, such as improved infrastructure around schools, including speed bumps, dedicated pedestrian crossings, and proper signage. These measures aim to enhance the safety of students and to create a conducive environment for learning.
  • Collaboration with Law Enforcement Agencies: The government actively collaborates with law enforcement agencies to enforce traffic rules and regulations, ensuring strict adherence to road safety norms. Regular monitoring and enforcement actions help deter violations and promote responsible behavior among motorists, including young.

The Government of India’s unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of the youth in Kashmir deserves immense appreciation. By taking decisive action to implement the law prohibiting underage students from riding motorbikes during school hours, the government has demonstrated its dedication to fostering a secure and conducive learning environment. These measures exemplify the government’s proactive approach in addressing emerging challenges and prioritizing the safety of the younger generation. The efforts of the Joint Director for the School Education Department in Central and North Kashmir, along with the collaborative approach between local education authorities, signify the government’s commitment to effective implementation and enforcement of the law. Such initiatives are a testament to the government’s dedication towards the welfare of the youth, inspiring confidence and trust among the people of Kashmir.

The implementation of this law is a commendable step because it also promotes responsible behaviour, academic focus, and reduced traffic congestion. These measures, coupled with surprise inspections and the collaborative efforts of education authorities, demonstrate the government’s commitment towards supporting and expanding initiatives that safeguard the well-being of the younger generation and foster a bright future for Kashmir.


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