JKPDD issues rebuttal, says Smart meter bills not inflated



Srinagar: In a rebuttal to the story carried by one of the local daily, Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Department issued a press note and said that the Jammu and Kashmir offers one of the lowest tariff rates to its consumers in various categories, underscoring its commitment to providing affordable electricity to its residents.

In a detailed Press release by JKPDD which reads out that, “In reference to the news article published in Kashmir Reader on September 12th, the point wise rebuttal is given below with facts and figures:

“In UT of J&K the Hydro Power projects have been developed in both State and Central sectors.The UT-owned plants contribute to 18 % of the total energy requirement. Allocations from Central Generating Stations (CGS) contributes to the majority (70%) of the power supply and remaining (12 %) is sourced from Power exchange/private sector.”

“As regards power generation from the UT owned power plants,a major part of J&K’s own electricity generation is produced from the Baghliar Hydro Electric Project (BHEP), which generates approximately 900 megawatts (MW) of power. The other locally owned power generation plants,main being Upper Sindh, Lower Jehlum, Chennani etc,collectively generate around 200-250 MW only. This cumulates to a total power generation of approximately 1100-1140MW through UT’s own generating stations, which however, dips to around 200 MWs in winters due to low water discharge in rivers, when the peak demand rises to more than 3000 MWs. The remaining requirement of the power during winters is met through the Central Generating Stations (CGS) located both within and outside the J&K’s boundary.”

“Out of the total installed capacity of 1140 MW in UT sector, the major share of around 1030 MW (88% of total capacity) is utilised in J&K, while the remaining 150 MW is sold outside the J&K to honour the agreements executed between J&K and other entities in the year 2009. (Initially through PTC, later bilaterally with Haryana with same quantum)”, reads the statement.

It further reads out, “During last four-year period, J&K has not added any PPA for selling power outside J&K i.e same quantum has been maintained as per the previous PPAs. On the contrary, new PPAs have signed for procuring power to the tune of 2845 MW for J&K, from different power houses (hydro and solar) being developed by CPSUs/JV of J&K & NHPC at nominal price,in the year 2023,thereby doubling the PPAs capacity/availability of power to J&K in the coming years. In terms of tariff charges, Jammu and Kashmir offers one of the lowest tariff rates to its consumers in various categories, underscoring its commitment to providing affordable electricity to its residents.”

“Regarding the electricity bills served to the consumers, its wrong notion that consumers are getting inflated bills after the installation of smart meters, rather smart meters are known for accurate energy measurement which has been demonstrated and proved by the department at several public places and consumer premises. In addition, smart meters also provide the consumers with the access to real-time data on their energy usage (daily, monthly, and hourly), insights into their average daily consumption, comprehensive billing information, applied tariff rates, and other relevant information – all aimed at empowering consumers to make informed decisions about their energy consumption”,  reads the press release.


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