From The Desk Of The Editor-In-Chief


What makes KZINE an exceptional magazine?

Each magazine has a policy, mission and vision. In the international arena, magazines are more popular than any other media because they give us a comprehensive understanding of the political, economic, social and other dynamics of a region. Policy planners and common readers alike benefit from the study of such magazines.

Magazines are essentially think tanks. They offer path-breaking solutions in their respective fields of specialization.

KZINE has attributes that distinguish it from the entire Kashmir media. It treads the path no publication in or on Kashmir has dared to tread. KZINE brings to light the inconvenient truths. It shows the mirror to those who are habitual of finding faults with the system and the state, and never look inward. Our pledge to provoke thought makes KZINE unique.

The inaugural edition of KZINE received an overwhelming response in Kashmir. Such huge response from all sections of the society is highly encouraging. It has strengthened our resolve to state what others don’t state.

KZINE has also sent shivers down the spine of those engaged in the business of human blood in Kashmir. We will keep exposing these blood thirsty vultures. KZINE is a new chapter in the history of publication in Kashmir. It goes against the wind. KZINE questions the unquestionable. It exposes the sham which claims to be sacrosanct.

Take a look at this new edition of KZINE, then compare it to the inaugural edition. The individual stories will be different, of course. But the bones that hold us up are the same.

I loved some words that I read recently. They succinctly capture KZINE. Find in our pages a mix of quick hits and deep dives, opinions and facts and explosives. Hold your breath please.


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