Slogan For Aam Kashmiris – No Education Till Liberation


They Remain Stunted And Enslaved To Destructive Ideology

Khaas Kashmiris – Children Of Separatists – Studied Abroad, Pursue Prosperous Life  

No Education Till Liberation was the slogan of separatist leaders. Importantly, this applied only to the common Kashmiris – not to their own children. The children of the separatist leaders did not suffer the blow of resistance like we did. They were the khaas Kashmiris. We were the aam Kashmiris. The khaas Kashmiris did not follow the footsteps of their forever angry, forever uncompromising fathers. For us common Kashmiris, the career path advocated by the separatists was stones and guns.

Meanwhile, a study of the career path taken by children of separatist leaders reveals that they are either studying in the leading educational institutes or are well settled in peaceful parts of the world. They are comfortably pursuing professional and management studies. Those who are older are professionally engaged, have purchased properties abroad and are leading affluent lives.

This is for the khaas children of Kashmir. 

The Shutdowns We Lived With
The word lockdown is new, and the world is suffering it courtesy Covid. All through our childhood years, we lived with lockdown’s first cousin – the shutdown. Our forever angry separatists never had a roadmap for Kashmir. Was there any space for reconciliation? Was there any middle ground in their constant fight against the state? No. Truth is that there was never any possibility of a middle ground, because the headquarters of Kashmir’s separatist movement wasn’t Srinagar, Anantnag, Shopian or Pulwama. The headquarters of Kashmir’s separatist movement was and is the ISI control room in Rawalpindi.  This is the reason the separatists sent their children out of Kashmir.

We the aam janta of Kashmir grew up watching our schools and colleges frequently closed due to the constant shutdowns.

Diversions For Aam Kashmiris Introduced At School Level
The youth of any society prosper in a peaceful atmosphere where they have the freedom to pursue their goals. This was not to be our destiny. The children of the khaas Kashmiris always had clear goals and ambitions. We aam Kashmiris lived with diversion of our goals and ambitions. The tragedy of Kashmir is that a section of the population continues to suffer the diversions even now. These diversions are induced into the young minds from their early years. In primary schools, the young minds should be directed towards targets and signposts of achievement and excellence in diverse fields.

In Kashmir, the diversions are introduced at school level at the orders of the separatist camps or Jamaat-e-Islami. Most of the educational institutions are regulated and monitored by these two groups. For years, the Hurriyat leaders kept telling Kashmiris not to send their children in the schools run by the Army. Their charge was that the Army schools were weaning the next generation away from their religion and culture. But the children of the khaas Kashmiris secured an education in peaceful, prosperous areas. They are leading blooming lives.

Flourishing Careers Of The Children Of Separatists

*Nayeem Geelani, the elder son of Syed Ali Shah Geelani is a surgeon. His wife is a medical practitioner. Their son is a crew member of a private airline in India.

* Naseem Geelani, the younger son of Syed Ali Geelani is a Senior Assistant Professor in SKUAST, Kashmir.

* Geelani’s daughter Farhat Jabeen is a teacher in Jeddah

* Geelani’s granddaughter Ruwa Shah is a celebrity journalist living in Turkey.

* Abid Sehrai, son of Ashraf Sehrai, former chairman of Geelani’s Hurriyat faction is a computer engineer. His other two sons were working in Saudi Arabia.

* Rabia Farooq, sister of Mirwaiz Umer Farooq is a doctor settled in London.

* Mohammad bin Qasim, son of Dukhtaran Millat chief Asiya Andrabi graduated in Information Technology from the Islamic University of Malaysia. He is pursuing higher studies in Australia. Asiya’s sister Maryam Andrabi lives in London with her family. Asiya had applied for a visa for her second son.

* The children of Hurriyat leader Bilal Lone were studying in London and Australia.

* Jugnu, the son of Hurriyat leader Gh Mohammad Sumzi was a student of management studies in New Delhi.

*  Rooma Maqbool, son of Farida Behenji, chairperson of Jammu and Kashmir Mass Movement, is a doctor in South Africa.

* Sarwar Yaqub, son of former spokesperson of Geelani faction Hurriyat, Ayaz Akbar, was a management student in Pune.

* Umar Dar and Adil Dar, the sons of Abdul Aziz Dar, another leader of Geelani faction, were studying in Pakistan.

* Sama Shabir, the daughter of separatist leader Shabir Ahmad Shah is studying in London. Shah’s wife Dr Bilquees is a doctor by profession. She always tells people not to send their daughters outside the state without a Mehram. But her own daughter Sama Shabir is in UK without any Mehram.

This is the hypocrisy of Kashmir’s separatist leaders. We the aam Kashmiris are convenient fodder for the conflict. Their own children, the khaas Kashmiris, always enjoy the best of both worlds.


Pakistan Collaborators Hurriyat made recommendations to Pak Embassy for sending local youth there for ‘education’. Youth returned with deadly anti-state ideology, assault weapons



In recent years, many Kashmiri youngsters had been allowed to go to Pakistan for pursuing medical education on Hurriyat quota. This is indeed a rare and unique policy for any nation – that the budding youth of a conflict region are allowed by the state to study in an enemy country. Astoundingly, these youth were given travel visas for Pakistan by the Indian state for education there.

What is the impact of education in an enemy state upon a Kashmiri youth? Has the state carried out any analysis of this policy? Have the consequences of allowing the youth to study in an enemy country been examined? Has anyone been held accountable for this faulty policy? Ground experience has been that the youngsters who went to Pakistan to study medicine got even more indoctrinated against India. A young doctor who had studied medicine in Pakistan on the Hurriyat quota is known for his sharp anti-India stance and writes resistance poetry. He is now working at a government hospital in Srinagar.

Disaffection against the government is a democratic right. Is expression of disaffection against the state also a democratic right? I frequently observe that the state has not responded harshly to the antagonistic expressions of this so-called resistance poet or other resistance writers. The state has not been tough against them. Is the magnanimity of the Indian state regarded as its weakness? Is it fit that the democratic space given by the Indian state is abused in the garb of freedom of expression?

Hurriyat and Pakistan’s Life Plan For An Aam Kashmiri Youth 

Diverted from innocent dreams of being doctors, lawyers, engineers, actors, sportsmen or other professionals.
Aam Kashmiri children were deprived of basic education because of the hate manufactured by the Hurriyat, the Jamaat-e-Islami and other politico-religious organizations like them.

These aam Kashmiri children continue to be diverted from their innocent dreams of being doctors, lawyers, engineers, actors, sportsmen or other professionals. 

These aam Kashmiri youth continue to die for the so-called Kashmir cause or remain enslaved to this faulty, self-destructive ideology. The khaas Kashmiri – the children of these so-called leaders – grow up with complete educational security and achieve good positions in society. The Indian state has never understood that these same children later return to Kashmir to become leaders themselves and instigate more youth to rise against the state. Why? Because a manufactured conflict always needs fodder. The children of the poor Kashmiri are befooled to be easy fodder for the conflict.

There are hundreds of Kashmiri children whose fathers were militants. On the recommendation of the Hurriyat or other powers that be, these children were allowed by the Indian state to go to Pakistan to do MBBS or other academic courses. From 2017 till date, many local children were given legal travelling documents by the Indian state for studying in Pakistan. They went to Pakistan supposedly for academics, but infiltrated back to Kashmir with huge cache of arms and ammunition. Let us examine the scenario that we are faced with here. Pakistan is providing scholarships to those Kashmiri students who are recommended by the Hurriyat leaders. No prizes for guessing why Pakistan is doing this. Hurriyat was widely known as Pakistan’s stooge in Kashmir. Pakistan fully milked the opportunity handed to it on a silver platter by India – sending our youth to the enemy state to supposedly study there. The bigger question is this – why did the so-called responsible and efficient officers of the Indian state openly support and assist the Pakistanisation of Kashmir? What made a bureaucrat who is constitutionally bound to serve the interests of the Indian state recommend that so-and-so youth should be allowed to study in an enemy state?

From the recommendation of this officer, the wheels of enabling the travel of these youth were set into motion. In turn, Kashmir has been saddled with more and more young and educated men who are antagonistic to the Indian state, and are pursuing their agenda in all the ways possible. A highly unfortunate turn of events indeed. Who shall be held accountable for this lapse?


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