The human brain can be constructive or destructive. It can be filled with negativity and the world around can seem like a black hole. Or the world can seem a bright and beautiful place full of promises and possibilities. The choice remains always with the individual.

How encouraging and fascinating it is to see Sadia Tariq winning the Wushu World Championship in Moscow. She aspired for a world title in her teenage and achieved it. She has made us all proud. Congratulations have poured in from the Prime Minister and many others for her sterling performance. Sadia chose the path which has brought smiles on the faces of all around her, and laurels to the nation. My heart cries for those who fall prey to destructive thought processes in their tender youth. They bring tears in the eyes of all those who are closely or distantly related to them.

Who is a hero? Who is a youth icon? Who is the true source of inspiration? The one on the path of destruction, who destroys his or her future and everything that comes in the way? Or the one who inspires you to aspire for a beautiful world full of joy and positivity? Certainly, an icon cannot be the one whose aim is to make the world look ugly, gloomy, and dark. Sadia is the role model, the icon for Kashmir’s youth. She has proved that if you think positive and aim high, the universe around you shall take you to the heights you aspire for. Her parents are fortunate and I congratulate them.

I cry for the unfortunate parents whose children choose the path of death and destruction. These tender buds could not see and taste a world filled with joy and happiness. The tragic reality is that in large numbers, parents in Kashmir do not realize the dangers of romanticizing the death of militants. They do not realize that their conversations have a lasting impact on the psyche of their own children. The harsh truth is that many parents not only promote negativity in the presence of their vulnerable teenagers. At times, they provoke them to chose a deadly path. Blessed is our journalist friend Tariq and his wife who did not allow the deadly virus of negativity to enter their home. I wish all parents pledge to show their children the right path for a glorious future, which is in the interest of all around them.


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