Foreign Terrorists Don’t Let Local Militants Escape Or Surrender



 Family Begs For Son, But He Is Trapped

Indoctrination by Pakistan. Induction into jihadi ranks by Pakistan. This is the story of the misguided Kashmiri youth who are straying into militant ranks in the Valley. But the tragedy does not end here. Even after these youth realize their monumental error and want to go back to the fold of their families, their return is stonewalled by the foreign terrorists sent into Kashmir by Pakistan. Case upon case is now piling up where Kashmiri youth who are lured into jihadi organizations operating in the Valley are finding that entry into militant groups is a one-way street. One can go into them. One cannot come out or escape.

Reports received from Over Ground Workers (OGWs) reveal that whatever the level of radicalization of the local militants, it is 70-80 per cent likely that they shall surrender to the forces if they are given the opportunity to honourably return to their family. The problem is that for all terror operations, the local militants are usually flanked by foreign terrorists (FTs). It is the FTs who do not allow the locals to surrender. A sizable number of such cases have been reported over the last few years. Whenever a local militant is trapped in an anti-terror operation, J&K Police or the Army call his family members to the spot to urge the militant to surrender. According to inputs received from OGWs, even if the local militant wants to surrender, the foreign terrorist(s) accompanying him do not allow him to do so. They threaten him that they will not just kill him but his entire family if he decides to leave the encounter site.

Such cases have happened in the past where foreign terrorists eliminated the entire families of militants who surrendered. Hence even those Kashmiri militants who want to surrender to the Army or the police at the last hour are afraid to do so. “It is extremely tragic. The local militant can hear the cries of his mother, his father, his sisters, brothers, wife or children. They cry to him to surrender to the forces so that he may live. But the foreign terrorists never allow the local to give up arms,” an police officer told Kashmir Central.

Foreign Terrorist Comes Between Crying Mother And Trapped Son

Senior police officers told KASHMIR CENTRAL that local Kashmiri militants are emotionally vulnerable, and ideologically they are not hardcore. On the other hand, foreign terrorists are emotionally impenetrable and ideologically hardcore. The police have consistently got the feedback that foreign terrorists don’t allow the local militant to go back to his family. “There is a pattern to this morbidity. The foreign terrorist sets out from his home to die. He knows that he will live only for a few months more. He has no home to go back to. But the local militant has emotions. He has a mother, father, siblings, perhaps also wife and children. When his family cries to him to surrender so that he may not die, it is human that he may listen to his crying parent, wife or crying child. The foreign terrorist snuffs out his wish to return. This is the kind of pressure that is built on the local militants,” said a senior police officer.

Most Local Militants Aren’t Hardcore Or Cruel

On March 30, 2019, a car explosion took place at Banihal in Ramban. According to sources, the mission was successful in the third attempt. Sources reveal that the task to explode the car was given to a local militant. Even though the youth had turned to militancy, his heart was not so hard that he could cause the death of others. Every time he was ordered to carry out the explosion, his hands would shiver. The first time the local militant made the excuse that there is some problem with the wire. The second time he made some other excuse, and it was possible because no foreign terrorist was accompanying him. The third time the foreign terrorists warned him that he would be killed if he did not execute the task. The control of foreign terrorists on local militants is not confined to encounter sites. It starts right after the youth joins militant ranks. Once the youth becomes part of any act of terror, he is trapped. Terror operatives indoctrinate him and dehumanize him, so that he can easily become a killer machine, pitted against his own people. If he manages to come out of this hell somehow and surrenders, he is labeled as a mukbir (stooge) and killed.

Truth Behind The Feb 14 Pulwama Attack

Suicide Bomber Was Unwilling, Didn’t Want To Carry Out Operation

The book by J&K IPS Officer Danesh Rana reveals that Adil Dar, who had to execute the suicide bombing in Pulwama in 2019, wanted to run away. The book was written after intensive investigation and provides a detailed account of the Pulwama attack’s planning and execution.

A report published in Hindustan Times stated that according to Rana, Adil sank into depression from which he found it impossible to emerge. “He hardly spoke, and the smile vanished from his face. He spent all of his time praying. When Shakir was interrogated later, he told investigators that Adil was scared and perhaps wanted to escape and run away from his impending death. But Umar would not let him stray. The three of them were stuck together; they couldn’t possibly have gone anywhere. They had no option but to wait for the highway to open,” the HT report quotes Rana’s book. The book also reveals that Mohammad Umar Farooq Alvi, the son of Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) chief Maulana Masood Azhar’s brother Ibrahim Athar, didn’t let Adil stray from his terror mission. Sources reveal that when the Pulwama attack was planned, Adil was not allowed even to talk to his family by the foreign terrorists of Jaish. He was isolated from October 2018 to February 2019. His parents wanted to talk to him but they were not allowed to do so. He was only allowed to write a will for his mother and father in a notebook. After he died, the notebook was handed over to them. According to an OGW, Adil had no option but to die.

Jaish-E-Mohammad Snatched Away Lone Breadwinner

Jaish mai andar aanai ka rasta toh hota hai lekin bahar janai ka nahi

Most people remember Mudasir Khan as the mastermind of the February 14 Pulwama terror attack and as a local commander of JeM. Mudasir was a brilliant, handsome graduate and a trained electrician. He was working in a telecom company and used to love playing cricket. He was the lone breadwinner for his parents, sister and handicapped brother. He was not an anti-national and had applied to the Police many times for recruitment. Mufti Vakas, a terror operative from Pakistan, somehow trapped Mudasir in the terror network. When a police officer visited Mudasir’s parents, they told him, “Our son wants to come out of this. But if he does so, Jaish will kill him and us too.” The officer told Mudasir’s father to tell the young man that complete security would be provided to his family, and he should leave the terror group. When Mudasir’s father conveyed this message to him, the youth was with a foreign terrorist (FT). He told his father in Kashmiri so that the FT would not understand: “Officer ko Kehna, Jaish mai andar aanai ka rasta hota hai, lekin bahar janai ka nahi. Agar mai is sab se bahar aaya toh ye sabko mar dalai gai. In k pass apna database hota hai.” The above incidents are real examples of the dictatorship of foreign terrorists in Kashmir over local militants and the civilian population alike. It has often been revealed that the local militants get suppressed. They are not able to fight the autocracy of the FTs.


We need to isolate foreign terrorists. It is the Pakistani terror operatives and mercenaries who are responsible for snatching away the local youth from their parents. All Kashmiris must inform the presence of foreign terror operatives to the security forces. Every parent must identify and isolate foreign terrorists if they want to save the budding Kashmiri youth. Otherwise, more helpless Kashmiri parents will be begging the foreign terrorist to let their militant son surrender at the time of the encounter, but their cries will not be heeded.


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