Aakash Hassan Doesn’t Know

Aakash Hassan Doesn’t Know
Why He Cannot Go 
Aakash Hassan Doesn’t Know
Why He Cannot Go
To The US, UK Or Germany
But Oh! The Lies Are Too Many
The Lies Their Clique Has Spun
The Battle Has Now Begun
The Battle Of The Pen
The Battle For What Is Right
Sanna Mattoo Has Been Grounded
Sanna Mattoo Can’t Take The Flight
Ms Mattoo May Be In A Huff
But Kashmiris Are Calling The Bluff
Of The Fake, Single Narrative Story
The Vultures of Single Narratives
Feasting on Pain, On Misery
Spreading disinformation
Justifying acts of terror
Justifying brutal violence
It’s Time For Truth To Stand Up
It’s Time For Truth To Win
These narrative pushers
These fly-by operators
Selling misery for self aggrandizement
Celebrating distress for self advertisement
The Kashmiris are exposing your deceit
The Kashmiris are exposing your lies
The Kashmiris are mocking your falsehoods
Masrat Zahra And The Like


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