With a heavy heart we inform our esteemed readers about the suspension of publication of the Weekly Kashmir Central. The decision to suspend the publication in both digital and print versions was taken owing to the huge financial liabilities and unavailability of resources. Awful, yet true.

                                          The way out

Kashmir Central takes pride in its distinction for breaking the ‘single story’ syndrome unlike most of the Kashmir media. This, if we may remind, is the first mainstream media outlet in Kashmir which, despite huge personal risks, has always dared to lay bare the inconvenient truth otherwise being conveniently brushed under the carpet by most of the Kashmir media.

We at Kashmir Central have been the first to expose the terror eco-system in Kashmir. In fact, we have gone to the extent of profiling the terror apologists and sponsors of terrorism undertaking huge risks.

Our publication, being just two years old in the print form, is not entitled to government advertisement, though we had started its digital form long before 2019. We are solely dependent upon subscriptions and donations. Without bias, we recommend this magazine to every Indian national (ranks and files) for strengthening their belief and adding to their knowledge about the insanity of the anti-state narrative. The magazine always seeks to provide a very strong intellectual augment to the narrative of nationalism.

We request you to go ahead and explore our work at Kashmir Central.
And we earnestly request you to support us through donations in building this institution which faces huge financial problems. We are not able to pay for the salaries, the designing, printing and other expenses since last few months making it very difficult to sustain this Strategic publication

Thanks and regards
Bashir Assad,
Editor-in-Chief, Kashmir Central.



Account Title: Kashmir Central

Account No.: 50200066073788

IFSC: HDFC0002419

Branch: Aramwari Rajbagh, Srinagar-190008


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