Controversial Selection List Of Police Sub Inspectors


Controversial Selection List Of Police Sub Inspectors

Faith Restored

The cancellation of the controversial selection list of Police Sub Inspectors and the subsequent order of a CBI probe into the selection process is a welcome step. Earlier the Manoj Sinha-led Government had ordered a probe into the alleged irregularities in the selection process for the post of Sub Inspectors. In its report, the probe committee had confirmed the irregularities in the selection process.

This extra ordinary decision by LG Manoj Sinha has been appreciated by all, particularly the aggrieved aspirants. The decision has given hope to the people, and shall go long in the restoration of the faith of the people in the system. The message is loud and clear that only merit shall matter at the end of the day, and the meritorious shall not be victims of corruption, nepotism and favoritism anymore.

At the same time, people are confused by some gestures at the bureaucratic level where the corrupt officials still manage the posting of their choice. There are serious charges of corruption in the education department. According to reliable sources, the transfer policy is seemingly devised to end corruption, but is marred by rampant corruption. It is disappointing to observe that a centralized transfer policy in the department of school education has come under severe criticism. It is allegedly the biggest source of corruption at the secretariat level. The allegations need to be looked into with seriousness.

The public perception about a Tehsildar in South Kashmir is that the concerned revenue officer is the most corrupt in the department. Hundreds of people in the tehsil are ready to depose before the authorities about his corrupt and immoral practices. The same officer is rewarded with additional charge of another tehsil, which has genuinely shocked the people in the two tehsils in his charge.

This is a tip of the iceberg. The fact of the matter is that the corrupt still rule the roost. The misfortune is that the Lieutenant Governor, who has the highest standards of integrity, is misled by corrupt bureaucrats at the highest level. It would be in the fitness of things if the people are encouraged to give feedback to the LG, rather than senior bureaucrats.


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