Digitally fit, are you?


HEADLINE: Digitally fit, are you?





Waheed Jeelani


IN today’s hyper-connected world, wherein technology and social media have become ubiquitous, our digital lives have a profound impact on our mental well-being.

The situation is no different in the picturesque region of Jammu and Kashmir, where the pervasive influence of technology intertwines with the unique socio-political landscape. By way of this piece, we endeavour to delve into the multifaceted effects of technology and social media on mental health, emphasising the importance of digital well-being. We also explore initiatives taken by the Government of India, particularly in Jammu and Kashmir, to tackle these challenges and promote a healthier digital ecosystem.


  • Mental health on the edge

The digital revolution has undeniably brought numerous benefits, but it has also presented unprecedented challenges to our mental well-being. In Jammu and Kashmir, where the youth form a significant proportion of the population, the influence of technology and social media on mental health cannot be overlooked. Constant connectivity and the pressure to maintain an idealised online persona have led to increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness among the youth.

Social media platforms, designed to keep users engaged, often foster comparison and self-esteem issues. The trend of seeking validation through likes, comments, and followers can intensify feelings of inadequacy and contribute to a negative self-image. The incessant exposure to curated, filtered lives of others can create a distorted sense of reality, fuelling unrealistic expectations and a perpetual fear of missing out.


  • Digital well-being: The dire need


Recognising the urgency of the situation, the concept of digital well-being has emerged as a crucial aspect of mental health in this age. Digital well-being encompasses strategies and practices that enable individuals to have a healthy relationship with technology while preserving their mental and emotional well-being.

In Jammu and Kashmir, where the impact of conflict and socio-political tensions is already significant, fostering digital well-being becomes even more vital. It involves raising awareness about the potential dangers of excessive screen time, cyber-bullying, and online harassment. Additionally, it encompasses cultivating critical digital literacy skills to discern between reliable information and misinformation, thus mitigating the negative impact of fake news and propaganda.



  • Initiatives by our government


Acknowledging the importance of mental health in the digital age, the Government of India, in collaboration with the administration of Jammu and Kashmir, has implemented several initiatives to address challenges and promote digital well-being.



  1. Digital literacy campaigns

The government has launched comprehensive digital literacy campaigns aimed at educating individuals, particularly the youth, about responsible digital citizenship, online safety, and the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between offline and online activities. These campaigns employ a multi-pronged approach, utilising social media platforms, local community centres, and educational institutions to disseminate information and foster digital literacy.


  • Support helplines and counselling services: Recognising the need for accessible mental health support, the government has established helplines and counselling services in Jammu and Kashmir. These services provide anonymous and confidential support to individuals grappling with mental health issues exacerbated by technology or social media. Trained professionals offer guidance, counselling and crisis intervention, thereby bridging the gap between technology and mental health services.


  1. Collaboration with educational institutions: The government has collaborated with educational institutions in Jammu and Kashmir to incorporate digital well-being into their curriculum. By integrating mental health awareness, digital literacy, and strategies for maintaining a healthy online presence into the educational framework, students are empowered with the necessary tools to navigate the digital landscape responsibly.



In addition to the initiatives taken by the government, community engagement plays a vital role in promoting digital well-being in Jammu and Kashmir. Local organisations, NGOs, and community centres can organise workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns focussed on mental health and responsible technology use. These initiatives can provide a safe space for individuals to share their experiences, concerns, and coping strategies. By fostering a sense of community and support, these efforts can empower individuals to navigate the digital landscape more confidently and seek help when needed. Furthermore, collaboration with mental health professionals, researchers, and technology experts can facilitate the development of evidence-based interventions and policies tailored to the specific needs of Jammu and Kashmir. By working together, the government, communities, and individuals can create a holistic approach to digital well-being and ensure a healthier future for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.



  • Strategies for maintaining a healthy digital balance


While government initiatives are instrumental, individuals themselves must adopt strategies to foster digital well-being. Here are some key strategies for maintaining a healthy digital balance:


  1. Digital Detox: Disconnecting from technology and social media periodically allows individuals to rejuvenate and re-establish a healthier relationship with the digital world. Engaging in offline activities, spending time in nature, and cultivating hobbies can help promote mental well-being.


  1. Mindful use of technology: Practising mindful use of technology involves setting boundaries, such as designating specific times for checking social media, limiting screen time, and refraining from excessive comparison and self-judgment while engaging online.


  1. Building digital resilience: Developing digital resilience involves building a strong sense of self-worth and self-awareness, understanding that online personas are often curated, and cultivating a critical perspective towards online content.


  1. Nurturing offline connections: Prioritising face-to-face interactions and nurturing relationships in the physical world can help counter the isolation and loneliness that can result from excessive reliance on digital communication.


  • Addressing the digital divide: In promoting digital well-being in Jammu and Kashmir, it is also essential to address the digital divide that exists within the region. While technology can have positive effects on mental health, such as providing access to online mental health resources and support networks, it is crucial to ensure equitable access to these Efforts should be made to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas, as well as address disparities in internet connectivity and access to digital devices. By prioritising digital inclusion and providing equal opportunities for all individuals to engage in the digital world, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment that promotes mental well-being for the entire population of Jammu and Kashmir.



As technology continues to evolve, the impact on mental health in Jammu and Kashmir must be addressed with urgency and compassion. By recognising the importance of digital well-being and implementing initiatives that promote responsible technology use, the government is taking significant steps toward nurturing a healthier digital environment. However, it is essential for individuals to proactively adopt strategies for maintaining a healthy digital balance, thereby safeguarding their mental well-being in the digital age. Together, through collective efforts, we can foster a digital landscape that promotes connection, well-being, and resilience in Jammu and Kashmir and beyond.


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