Enable Public Representative Institutions To Flourish


Enable Public Representative Institutions To Flourish

The crackdown on religious extremists and hardcore separatists continues unabated,
and this is in order. Simultaneously, the UT Administration must make space for
peaceful and moderate voices to occupy the space and create a rational socio-political
narrative. By and large, people appreciate the clampdown on extremists. But three
years after abrogation, we are still wondering how, when and who will occupy the
The Administration should have a multi-pronged strategy in place. It is appropriate that
the Administration has tightened the noose around hardliners, and extremists, and
booked them under relevant laws. The government must also boost those moderate
voices which seem to fill this vacuum.
One understands that the government is walking on a tightrope where Kashmir is
concerned. The state is still dealing with the consequences of soft separatism which
finally alienated the people. But at the same time, the state cannot effort to undervalue
and undermine the democratic and constitutional sprit of the country. Moderate voices
should be allowed to represent the genuine and legitimate concerns of the people of
Jammu and Kashmir, particularly in Kashmir valley.
The administration unfortunately could not capitalize on the opportunities it got post
abrogation to put Kashmir back on strong rails. There is confusion and no clear road
map. The bureaucracy enjoys unbridled powers. Barring some few honourable
exceptions, the bureaucracy does not allow any space to the public representatives, or
to the Public Representative Institutions (PRIs). This creates road blocks for the
democratic institutions to flourish.
The LG administration must create a congenial atmosphere for the PRIs to flourish.
These are important because they keep the adversaries of the state at bay.


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