From trigger puller to facilitator, SIA identifies all involved in Sanjay Sharma’s killing



State Investigation Agency (SIA) on Tuesday said that it has gone deep into the murder of Sanjay Sharma of Achan Pulwama who was shot by terrorists on February 26 this year. The agency said it identified not only the terrorist who pulled the trigger but all those who helped, assisted and facilitated the killing.

According to spokesperson of SIA, Sanjay Sharma, a 50 years old ailing Kashmiri Pandit whose family had not migrated was gunned down by a terrorist on 26th of February, 2023 a short distance away from his home in village Acchan in Pulwama district in the morning. The terrorist already waiting for him fired four shots at Sanjay, three of which hit him and ended his life. Sanjay was accompanied by his wife and was going to see a doctor. By the time his wife could take him to a hospital, Sanjay breathed his last and was declared brought dead by the hospital authorities.
Spokesperson said the investigation after being transferred from local police station to SIA, was re-examined and a plan of action was drawn to not only pinpoint the terrorist who pulled the trigger on Sanjay but all those who helped, assisted, facilitated in this targeted terrorist attack.
“SIA has not only identified the terrorist who fired upon Sanjay, but also the persons who helped him in escaping after committing the murder. The person who provided the pistol and ammunition too has been identified. SIA has also zeroed in on the person who harboured the terrorist after committing the crime. The vehicle owner who provided transport support and the terrorist coordinator who made the terrorist safely reach a small gang of active terrorists and ensured that he joins the gang as a regular member too have been identified,” the spokesperson added.
He said today SIA carried out search of ten premises connected with many who have variously helped and assisted the terrorist. These premises spread over district Kulgam, Shopian and Anantnag were searched by SIA teams armed with court warrants. Incriminating material including digital devices and smart phones and bank account related transaction documents have been seized which would be securitized for further investigation.
SIA is committed to unearthing the larger conspiracy especially those who facilitated in the recruitment of the killer into terrorist gang as well as the connection between the recruiter and the Pakistan based mastermind at whose behest the local coordinator planned and executed the entire terrorist attack. Since section 120 B of IPC read with section 18 of UAPA pertaining to criminal conspiracy creates equal liability for all who knew about part or whole of the plan and played a role, SIA intends to bring them to justices and obtain punishment at par with the terrorist who actually pulled the trigger.


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