Kashmir Is Heading Towards Yet Another Phase Of Bloodbath


Reports that militants of Pakistani origin who fought alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan are gathering in POK adjacent to LOC have been confirmed by various sources. It is learned from authoritative sources that a group of 40 such militants are stationed on the other side of the Machil sector. Uri and Bandipora sectors are likely to become the hotbeds of infiltration.

What sets apart these infiltration bids is the strategy to send less mercenaries, more arms. The recent infiltration in Uri sector and the recovery of a huge cache of arms and ammunition from the three militants killed at Hathlanga speaks about the new strategy. The seizure of 5 AK-47 rifles, 8 pistols, 24 UBGL grenades, 38 Chinese hand grenades and 7 Pakistani grenades from the possession of just three militants is certainly unmatched.

According to police sources, the focus this time is on low intensity warfare. This is to create a situation like the one we witnessed during the first phase of militancy in the 1990s. The new breed of OGWs will throw grenades indiscriminately, irrespective of whether the grenades hit the target or miss, leading to casualties among bystanders.

The design is to create panic in Kashmir streets and grab headlines domestically and internationally. Police sources say foreign terrorists may not be pushed in large numbers here. Pakistan Army is looking at sending in terrorists hailing from POK who had gone to Afghanistan to be with the Taliban and are now back. The attempt is to give the militant activities some kind of indigenous flavour and avoid the wrath of the international community. Kashmir is heading towards yet another phase of blood bath.


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