Some Kashmiri Journalists Are Part of Information Warfare Against India by Turkey-Pakistan. Their singular focus: spreading hatred against India internationally 


Militia of Disinformation

Mercenary Army of Info-Terrorists

Kashmiri Journalists Part of Information Warfare by Turkey-Pakistan




What is common between Iftikhar Gilani (son-in-law of Syed Ali Shah Geelani), Ruwa Shah (grand-daughter of Syed Ali Shah Geelani), and Ahmed Bin Qasim?  These are all Kashmiri ‘journalists-cum-activists’. This bandwagon of self-exiled Kashmiri journalists-cum-activists has been assigned the job of spreading disinformation regarding the Indian state internationally.

The names of Kashmiri ‘journalists-cum-activists’ Iftikhar Gilani, Ruwa Shah and Ahmed Bin Qasim have been mentioned in a strategic report prepared by Mediterranean-Asian Investigative Journalists (MAIJ). The report was reposted by Athens-based Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) in late February. The report says that these Kashmiri journalists are part of a sinister design to institutionalize information warfare against India.

Post the abrogation of Article 370, the anti-India activities of Pakistan’s anti-India activities have shifted base from Rawalpindi to Ankara. Through Turkey’s media giant TRT World and other publication houses, Pakistan is getting readymade labour force to unleash propaganda against India.

Ahmer Khan, recently awarded with the AFP Kate Webb Prize, is part of this militia of disinformation which is targeting India. This bandwagon of self-exiled Kashmiri journalists-cum-activists has been assigned the job of spreading disinformation regarding the Indian state internationally.

MAIJ has said that this “top-secret programme” is being executed with the help of Pakistan’s ISPR (Inter-Service Public Relations). According to the MAIJ report, these Kashmiris are “mercenary journalists” who have been invited, recruited, and settled in Turkey for the purpose. The report adds that from the background of most of these journalists, it doesn’t appear that qualification was the only criteria to hire them.

An official of the Turkish Foreign Ministry acknowledged in the MAIJ report that most of these journalists have received Turkish citizenship and plan to settle there permanently. Most of them have not intimidated their countries to ensure that they keep visiting their countries to carry out their propaganda activities.

The MAIJ report states that most of these journalists are fighting various cases against media houses in at least three continents in attempts to pressurize them for deleting the content about their connections with the ISI.

Ahmed-Bin-Qasim is the younger son of separatist leader Asiya Andrabi and radical ideologue Muhammad Qasim Faktoo, who is serving life term in jail in Srinagar. The Indian state allowed these “journalists” to go to Turkey, and is now paying the price for it. Syed Mujahid Geelani, nephew of Asiya Andrabi, is also part of the anti-India diatribe.

Qasim is a self-styled Kashmiri activist who is highly active over social media platforms with an anti-India and pro-Pakistan stance. He contributes to prominent international web-platforms, news portals and newspapers including TRT world, The Express Tribune, The Nation, The Dawn etc.

The MAIJ report calls these so-called journos the Militia of Disinformation and Mercenary Army of Info-Terrorists.

Gravy train financed by Pakistan for targeting India

The Kashmiri journalists who have moved to Turkey are receiving huge funding from Pakistan for driving the information warfare against India. They have local contacts in Kashmir, who provide them with content that can be used to drive the anti-India agenda.

Kashmir has a number of so-called journalists, activists and businessmen who are conflict entrepreneurs. They are aware that Pakistan is ready to pay big money for propaganda against India.

Earlier, these so-called activists were thriving in Kashmir by receiving huge hawala money and targeting the Indian state. India has now tightened the noose around them and is dealing with them with a heavy hand. These information mercenaries now want to get into this lucrative business abroad. Sources reveal that they are trying hard to get a visa and settle abroad. They are keen to be part of the gravy train financed by Pakistan for targeting India.

The Indian state must examine how close relatives of the hawkish separatists in Kashmir were given passports to go abroad. These men and women have now found safe havens to spew venom against India. The country is paying the price for this lack of strategic vision.

At the time of issuing passports to immediate family and close relatives of separatists, the argument given by those at the helm of affairs was that there was nothing personal against these individuals.

It is surprising that the Indian state did not duly consider the fact that these individuals are immediate family of separatists who are ISI proxies. They have been raised in the same environment, and their intentions are clear. It is a matter of concern that India ignored this reality while issuing passports to these individuals.

It was reported more than a year ago that the extended family of Syed Ali Geelani has been provided huge property in Ankara by Turkey, and want to relocate there. After finding safe havens abroad, close relatives of separatists have consistently written content that instigates gullible youth in Kashmir and leads them to militancy.

It is also a matter of concern that despite having cutting-edge technology at its disposal, the Indian state has not booked the Kashmir-based contacts of these individuals who help them in spreading falsehood and propaganda against India.

The Deafening Silence Of The Leftist Media

Several eminent journalists working with top Indian newspapers and news channels have consistently voted for the freedom of expression of Kashmiri journalists. They have not spoken out against these Kashmiri journalists even after the RIEAS report went viral that they are being paid by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) to unleash international propaganda against India.

Poster Calling Out Deceit And Duplicity of Separatist Syed Ali Shah Geelani

(This poster, originally in Urdu, was pasted at various places in Kashmir during 2020)

After stoking 30 years of bloodshed in Valley and ensuring that one generation of the 40 lakh population is pushed to violence and bereft of education, decent life and peace, Syed Ali Shah Geelani is looking for a peaceful retirement? Resignation of Geelani, who was holding the post of lifetime chairman of APHC (All Parties Hurriyat Conference or Tehreek e Hurriyat) is no surprise. He has lived a lavish lifestyle and ensured world class education for his children while subjecting number of children and youth to terrorism, poverty, hardships and sinister designs.

What has he given to the people of Kashmir? Death? Violence? Destruction? A bleak future staring at the youth scarred with memories of death of loved ones and prospects of a ruined unemployed uneducated life? He has actually snatched away the identity of Kashmir: Kashmir which was 30 years ago.

Does Geelani care for Kashmiri lives? If yes, why is he silent? He is now alleging corruption, connivance and disunity? Was he a part of the nexus earlier and now he is not getting his share?

A common Kashmiri stares blankly at these questions and cannot find plausible answers.

I fail to understand what has Geelani done in these 30 years? It seems he has befooled us and snatched away our future!


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