The increased vocal opposition of Srinagar youth to the cult of the gun is being targeted



At the time when Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi called for the all-party meeting with prominent political leaders of Jammu and Kasmir, Pakistan is hell-bent to derail the process by killing the common Kashmiris. At the behest of Pakistan, terrorists are targeting Kashmiris from diverse walks of life. Recently, terrorists attacked CID Sub Inspector Parvaiz Ahmad in the outskirts of Srinagar. They martyred him when he was coming out of the mosque after prayers. Terrorist group The Resistance Front (TRF) promptly claimed responsibility for the attack.

A day later, TRF struck again in Habba Kadal, Srinagar. This time their target was Umer Ahmad, a Kashmiri youth. Umer was a mobile shop owner. In order to justify the killing, the terrorists accused him of being an informer for security agencies. This time again, the youth was attacked with a pistol. The non-privileged, disadvantaged Kashmiris are their chosen targets. They die anonymous and are poorly remembered. This ensures that the blowback from the society is not serious. The victims do not figure in the list of martyrs. Terrorists are now emerging as pistol assassins in Srinagar. They are looking for soft targets. The common man is an easy prey.

Terrorists are on the hunt to spill the blood of the innocents to keep themselves relevant.

As always, their motive is singular – terrorize the Kashmiri population. It is time for us Kashmiris to cry out against our blood being spilled. The way these killings are happening make it evident that this is not random action. The way it is being claimed in real-time reveals that the plans for these killings emerge from a centre of evil.

Witness the new-look structure that Pakistan has put in place for terrorism in Kashmir. There is the seemingly white-collar terrorist who sends out social media posts in English. The white-collar terrorist is making lists, allocating targets and deftly using the social media to influence the vulnerable youth. Terrorists are executing their larger aim – silence the Kashmiris into the fear of the gun.

The aim here is to strengthen the gun cult in Kashmir. Pakistan wants more and more Kashmiris to carry guns and kill each other. Pakistan wants to make sure every sane and nationalist voice in valley is silenced so that there is no Kashmiri left to oppose their evil plans.

Here’s the Pakistan’s gameplan. Keep the Kashmir pot boiling by targeting and killing common Kashmiris. We are like goats for Pakistan. They kill us for their sport.

Srinagar has become the new battle zone. It has the advantage of dense population. Terrorists can easily mix with the crowds, move anonymously – specially with the mask due to Covid. Pistols are easy to hide. Strike, then mix again with the crowds.

The increased vocal opposition of Srinagar youth to the cult of the gun is being targeted. The Kashmiri youths’ desire to break free for a natural, happy and progressive life is being targeted.

The cult of the gun wants the society to slip back into a feeling of dread and gloom. This gloom feeds victimhood. This gloom is then blamed on the state.

Pakistan is killing the dreams and aspirations of ordinary Kashmiris. It is choking the families by killing their earning members. Courtesy Pakistan, our Kashmir that was paradise is now a graveyard. Innumerous innocents have been killed after being branded as oppressors and informers. My fellow Kashmiris, the writing is on the wall.

Pakistan will always try to oppress us. It shall always support dreaded terrorists who gun down Kashmiris.

 It’s a win win for Pakistan. It engages India in a proxy war by killing us Kashmiris. Pakistan expands its network of narcotics and drugs in the Valley, thereby damaging Kashmir society further. By severe and deep indoctrination, Pakistan has ruptured Kashmir’s social fabric.

The vulture journalist and the so-called intellectuals will do lip service of paying condolence and get back for cries of human rights violations by security forces. As per their rule book, killings by terrorists don’t deserve condemnation. These sham intellectuals and human rights activists turn a blind eye towards the terrorists who strike at the roots of the human rights of Kashmiris. This needs to be challenged and changed. We need to confront these merchants of death.

Good police work and vigilant citizens are the only way to counter this threat. The media must speak loudly and clearly against these wanton acts of killing.


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