Celebrating The Good Fight

Two sisters, one a doctor and the other a lawyer, have paid an artistic, snowy tribute to Corona Warriors. These are Dr Qurat-ul-ain Zohra and Aiman Zohra, residents of Athwajan area of Srinagar.

During the recent Chillai Kalan, Kashmiris were mostly homebound, courtesy the white winter and the Covid pandemic. The two sisters decided to use the vast expanse of snow around their house and also pay tribute to Covid Warriors by making a snow sculpture.

The snow sculpture shows a lady doctor, a syringe loaded with COVID vaccine, a stethoscope and the acronym WHO for World Health Organisation.

“This is a tribute to everyone involved in the fight against Covid around the world in general, and in Kashmir in particular. The doctors, ambulance drivers, police, medical staff and media – all have faced the pandemic and played a vital role,” said Qurat-ul-ain.

The sisters said they chose to make a lady doctor as their special tribute to the women involved in the fight against Covid. “We want to send a message of Women Empowerment through our snow art,” the sisters said.

Qurat said the syringe signifies the hope that the pandemic shall end soon, thanks to the Covid vaccine. The striking sculpture has been appreciated much by the people in their neighbourhood.


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